Music and Depression - Scientific Evi...

Does Music Therapy Work for Depression?We summarise a recent scientific meta-study on music’s impa...

Compassionate Self-talk

The conversation we have with ourselves has a huge impact on our mental health. Self-talk describes ...

Can Music Heal?

What is Music Therapy and How Does It Work? In our rich Indian culture, we have intuitively used...

Why We Crave Unhealthy Food, when We ar...

A food craving is defined as an intense desire for a specific food. Most people experience cravings ...

What is Nutritional Psychiatry?

What Is Nutritional Psychiatry, and Can It Help You Feel Healthier? The link between what you e...

Journaling for your Healing

Keeping a Diary Can Help Your Journey: A diary in its simplest form, is a record of ea...