It is empowering to know that a survivor is the best person to drive their own recovery. No doubt you want to do everything in your power to help, but the role of the supporter is not to take over, but rather to help the survivor in understanding what they need, and then helping them plan so that they can achieve this. This means you can maintain an active role as a member of their support network whilst being empowering, respectful and trauma-informed in your help.
Please read this fact sheet often and share it with other well wishers as well.
Trauma is a state of high arousal that affects how the different domains of learning and memory work together. Trauma is biochemically encoded in the brain.
The brain is not static in structure and function but is continually shaped by experiences. Throughout our lives, our nerve cells can grow and pathways between them can repair. This is called neuroplasticity.
Research establishes that neurons (nerve cells) are activated by experiences, especially those involving emotional relationships. Our well being depends on our relationships with others.
Healthy relationships soothe people affected by trauma and promote recovery and wellbeing.
Positive relationships build good connections in our brain right across our lives. These foster healthy development and functioning.
When the nerve cells and different areas of the brain work together (integration), longstanding trauma can be resolved, and its negative intergenerational effects intercepted.
People can and do recover and when parents have made sense of their trauma, their children do better. On the other hand, less constructive experiences in our relationships negatively impact on our wellbeing and possibilities for recovery.
Recovery from trauma requires support as `going it alone’ only compounds the isolation of the original trauma. Relational trauma is healed within healing relationships.
Just as damaging experiences change the brain in ways that are negative for subsequent functioning, new, different and positive experiences also change the brain in ways that are conducive to health.